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Get 10% Off When You Register for 4+ Sessions In One Order

Instructional Programs, Skill of the Week, Bump Your Pulse

All new players registering for adult tennis programs 2.5 and higher MUST complete a player assessment or they will be withdrawn from the class. Please call 301-779-8000 or email Iosua Malaki to book your assessment.

Registration is open for Session III (January 20 – March 30) & Session IV (March 31 – June 8).

Adult 1.5 Learn Tennis Now II

Learn to start points with a consistent serve and to receive and send different heights, directions and distances of groundstrokes to keep the ball in play. Receiving volleys is also covered.

Participants must have completed Learn Tennis Now I prior to enrolling in Learn Tennis Now II.

adult L6 (NTRP 2.0-2.5) clinic

Our 90-minute Instructional Programs are designed for motivated players looking to enhance their singles and doubles skills. Each session is tailored to specific skill levels, focusing on both skill development and game development to help you become a well-rounded player. Featuring the lowest player-to-coach ratio of all our adult programs, these clinics offer personalized attention and detailed feedback. Through targeted drills and directed coach guidance, you’ll work on both technical and tactical aspects of your game.

Player Description:
– Players at this level can rally forehand and backhand with a partner from the baseline.

Players will learn how:
– To serve overhead into the correct service box.
– To demonstrate the movement cycle starting and finishing in a ready position.
– To volley using forehands and backhands.

adult L5 (NTRP 2.6-3.0) clinic*

Our 90-minute Instructional Programs are designed for motivated players looking to enhance their singles and doubles skills. Each session is tailored to specific skill levels, focusing on both skill development and game development to help you become a well-rounded player. Featuring the lowest player-to-coach ratio of all our adult programs, these clinics offer personalized attention and detailed feedback. Through targeted drills and directed coach guidance, you’ll work on both technical and tactical aspects of your game.

Player Description:
– Players at this level can Serve, Rally, and Score.

Players learn how:
– To hit first and second serves to a specific target.
– To use slice and topspin to create space.
– To play a complete match with an understanding of rules and keep an accurate score.

*Placement in this class requires approval from Director of Junior & Adult Development Iosua Malaki.

adult L4 (NTRP 3.1-3.5) clinic*

Our 90-minute Instructional Programs are designed for motivated players looking to enhance their singles and doubles skills. Each session is tailored to specific skill levels, focusing on both skill development and game development to help you become a well-rounded player. Featuring the lowest player-to-coach ratio of all our adult programs, these clinics offer personalized attention and detailed feedback. Through targeted drills and directed coach guidance, you’ll work on both technical and tactical aspects of your game.

Player Description:
– Players at this level can use topspin and slice to control space and time.

Players learn how:
– To transition to the net using volleys, half-volleys, and overheads.
– To develop control of height, direction, speed, and spin.
– To use serve and return plus one’s to control space and time.

*Placement in this class requires approval from Director of Junior & Adult Development Iosua Malaki.

Adult  L3 (NTRP 3.6-4.0) Clinic*

Our 90-minute Instructional Programs are designed for motivated players looking to enhance their singles and doubles skills. Each session is tailored to specific skill levels, focusing on both skill development and game development to help you become a well-rounded player. Featuring the lowest player-to-coach ratio of all our adult programs, these clinics offer personalized attention and detailed feedback. Through targeted drills and directed coach guidance, you’ll work on both technical and tactical aspects of your game.

Player Description:
– Players at this level can Serve, Rally, and Transition to the net to finish.

Players learn how:
– To control height, direction, speed, and spin to hit into 4 zones.
– To use topspin and slice to increase the angle and move their opponent.
– To serve, return and rally with efficient and effective rhythmical strokes to 3 target areas.

*Placement in this class requires approval from Director of Junior & Adult Development Iosua Malaki.

Adult L2+ (NTRP 4.1-5.0) Clinic*

Our 90-minute Instructional Programs are designed for motivated players looking to enhance their singles and doubles skills. Each session is tailored to specific skill levels, focusing on both skill development and game development to help you become a well-rounded player. Featuring the lowest player-to-coach ratio of all our adult programs, these clinics offer personalized attention and detailed feedback. Through targeted drills and directed coach guidance, you’ll work on both technical and tactical aspects of your game.

Player Description:
– Players at this level can gain an advantage from the baseline and transition to offense while learning to counter and defend when opponents gain the advantage.

Players learn how:
– To develop awareness of opportunities side of the court and early recognition of opponents.
– To develop spin on the second serve.
– To increase racquet head speed on all strokes using appropriate ball controls to maintain and improve consistency.
– To develop basic two and three-shot patterns to control space and time.

*Placement in this class requires approval from Director of Junior & Adult Development Iosua Malaki.

Adult tennis lab

Student/Coach Ratio: 6:1

60 minutes of the detailed instruction on the skills that will take your game to the next level! Each class will include instruction, drills, and live play. Drop-In on one session at a time, or sign up in advance for all sessions and receive a discount. 


Monday 5:30 – 6:30 pm: Click here to register

Wednesday 5:30 – 6:30 pm: Click here to register

Thursday 5:30 – 6:30 pm: Click here to register

Friday 12:00 – 1:00 pm: Click here to register

Friday 6:00 – 7:00 pm: Click here to register

Saturday 12:00 – 1:00 pm: Click here to register

Sunday 8:00 – 9:00 am: Click here to register

Adult bump your pulse

Get ready to smash those calories and elevate your heart rate with Bump Your Pulse! This 1-hour, high-energy cardio tennis class is designed to keep you on your toes and your heart pumping.

Join us for a workout that’s more than just exercise—it’s an exhilarating experience! Swing, sprint, and slide your way to fitness while enjoying the beat of energizing music and the thrill of the game. Bump Your Pulse is all about having a blast, getting fit, and feeling fantastic. So grab your racket, lace up your sneakers, and let’s get moving!

Click here to register (NTRP 2.0-3.5)

Click here to register (NTRP 3.0+)