A current JTCC parent applauds the behind the scenes efforts of JTCC’s Director of Maintenance, Elbino Runas:

Jim Courier, Elibino Runas and Jim Courier
Next time you step out of your car, it behooves you to take your time heading to the entrance of JTCC. It doesn’t matter what time of year it is…winter, spring, summer or fall. Take a detour and resist the urge to rush through the double doors.
The front of the building has that New England cottage feel with the cedar and wide white trim. You will also notice groups of plantings perfectly placed, absent of any weeds or debris. A short walk to the right will take you along a meandering stone pathway and bridge with plenty of nature and mature trees surrounding you.
Inside, you will find that same attention to detail. The clubhouse is warm and inviting and the only thing that seems missing is a stone fireplace with a crackling fire. The flagstone veranda towards the back overlooks a sea of tennis courts but the asphalt and chain link fence are subtly softened by the manicured landscaping.
All of this would be impossible without the efforts of Elbino Runas, the Director of Maintenance. Elbino has been at JTCC since 2009 and emigrated from the Philippines in 1986. He has brought on a crew which includes Anaclito Ypil, Ricky Migrino and Jhon Barbarona.
They are involved in all aspects of making JTCC functional and beautiful. In addition to general cleaning and landscaping, their scope of work includes plumbing, HVAC, carpentry, laundry, remodeling and picking up deliveries.
The scope of their work is endless and it seems as if they are never sitting or taking a break. Their dedication is apparent in every nook and cranny of JTCC. From broken pipes to turning on the heat in the buildings, changing tires or jump starting dead batteries, there is no emergency or task they cannot handle. In fact, during one of the recent severe snowstorms, Elbino and his staff did not go home for 2 days to ensure that JTCC was safe and sound.

Denis Kudla, Elbino Runas, Mitchell Frank and Luca Corinteli
It may be surprising to know that someone from Elbino’s crew is at JTCC 24 hours a day.
So next time you head to JTCC, take a close look around the facility that Elbino and his crew keep in impeccable condition. Introduce yourself to them with a quick nod or hello and let them know how appreciative you are of all the work they do so that you and your children can play at a beautiful facility.