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Future Champs

JTCC offers a pathway for youth of all ages to develop their interest in the sport of tennis to reach their full potential. The Future Champs program (formerly known as the Junior Development program) is session-based and designed for beginner to intermediate players. Red and Orange classes are for children ages 10 and under, Green and Yellow classes are for players ages 11-17.

In an effort to accommodate both ages and skills of players, court sizes for classes are adjusted. The 3-5 year-olds will use a 21-foot short court, which will be gradually increased to a 36-foot short court for 6-8 year-olds, a 60-foot short court for 9-10 year-olds, and ultimately to a full size 78-foot court for 11-17 year-olds.

Classes are offered daily, and schedules are flexible to meet everyone’s needs and level of commitment. If your child wants to play on his or her school team, compete in local, regional or national tournaments, or just enjoys the exercise, there is a program to meet your child’s level of play.

All players who enroll in programming must complete the level placement quiz!

If you require financial assistance please don’t hesitate to apply for financial aid below. We will be in touch within 72 hours with our decision and sign-up details.

SRS (Ages 9-10)

Players at this level can self-rally using their forehand and backhand. The court is now 32’ by 12‘ and a 23” to 25” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 9-10

Players will learn how:

  • To self-rally using their forehand and backhand with and without a bounce.
  • To have a continuous rally with a partner.
  • To bounce hit to specific targets.
  • To toss with both hands and overhand throw to various distances, heights, and directions.

SRS (Ages 11-12)

Players at this level can self-rally using their forehand and backhand. The court is now 32’ by 12‘ and a 23” to 25” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 11-12

Players will learn how:

  • To self-rally using their forehand and backhand with and without a bounce.
  • To have a continuous rally with a partner.
  • To bounce hit to specific targets.
  • To toss with both hands and overhand throw to various distances, heights, and directions.

SRS (Ages 13+)

Players at this level can self-rally using their forehand and backhand. The court is now 32’ by 12‘ and a 23” to 25” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 13+

Players will learn how:

  • To self-rally using their forehand and backhand with and without a bounce.
  • To have a continuous rally with a partner.
  • To bounce hit to specific targets.
  • To toss with both hands and overhand throw to various distances, heights, and directions.

Level 11 (Ages 3-5)

Players at this level can manipulate the ball using the racquet. All activities are self-stated and self-regulated.

Ages: 3 – 5
Court: Up to 12 ft by 9 ft.

Players will learn how:

  • To roll and bounce hit the ball to a specific target.
  • To toss underhanded and overhanded to different targets.
  • To move and stop in balance on both feet.
  • To work with a partner.

Level 10 (Ages 5-6)

Players at this level can self-rally using their forehand and backhand. The court is now 16’ by 9‘ and a 19” to 23” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 5-6

Players will learn how:

  • To self-rally using their forehand and backhand with and without a bounce.
  • To have a continuous rally with a partner.
  • To bounce hit to specific targets.
  • To toss with both hands and overhand throw to various distances, heights, and directions.

Level 10 (Ages 7-8)

Players at this level can self-rally using their forehand and backhand. The court is now 16’ by 9‘ and a 19” to 23” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 7-8

Players will learn how:

  • To self-rally using their forehand and backhand with and without a bounce.
  • To have a continuous rally with a partner.
  • To bounce hit to specific targets.
  • To toss with both hands and overhand throw to various distances, heights, and directions.

Level 9 (Ages 6-9)

Players at this level can rally using their forehand and backhand with a partner. The court is now 21’ by 18’, and a 19” to 23” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 6-8

Players will learn how:

  • To rally with a partner using different directions.
  • To serve overhead into correct service box.
  • To demonstrate the movement cycle starting and finishing in a ready position.
  • To volley using forehands and backhands.

Level 8 (Ages 6-9)

Players at this level can serve, rally and score. The court is now 36’ by 18’, and a 19” to 23” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 6-8

Players learn how:

  • To hit first and second serves to a specific target.
  • To use slice and topspin to create space.
  • To play a complete match with understanding of rules and keep accurate score.

Level 7 (Ages 8-11)

Players at this level can use topspin and slice to control space and time. The court is now 42’ by 21’, and a 23” to 25” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 8-10

Players learn how:

  • To transition to the net using volleys, half-volleys, and overheads.
  • To develop control of height, direction, speed, and spin.
  • To use serve and return plus one’s to control space and time.

Level 6 (Ages 9-11)

Players at this level can serve, rally, and transition to net. The court is now 60’ to 21,  and a 23” to 25” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 9-10

Players learn how:

  • To control height, direction, speed, and spin to hit into 4 zones.
  • To use topspin and slice to increase angle and move their opponent.
  • To serve, return and rally with efficient and effective rhythmical strokes to 3 target areas.

Level 5 (Ages 9-11)

Players at this level can gain advantage from the baseline and transition to offense while learning to courter and defend when opponents gain the advantage. The court is now 60’ by 21’, and a 23” to 25” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 9-11

Players learn how:

  • To develop awareness of opportunities side of the court and early recognition of opponents.
  • To develop spin on second serve.
  • To increase racquet head speed on all strokes using appropriate ball controls to maintain and improve consistency.
  • To develop basic two and three shot patterns to control space and time.

Level 4 (Ages 11-13)

Players at this level can gain advantage from the baseline and transition to offense while learning to counter and defend when opponents gain the advantage. The court 78’ by 27’ and 24” to 27” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 11-12

Players learn how:

  • To develop awareness of opponent’s side of the court and early recognition of opponent’s shots to improve tactical decision making.
  • To develop spin on second serve.
  • To use increased racquet head speed on all strokes using appropriate ball controls to maintain and improve consistency.
  • To develop basic two and three shot patterns to control space and time.

Level 3 (Ages 11-13)

Players can identify their own and recognize their opponents game styles. The court is 78’ by 27’ and 24” to 27” racquet. Players will spend on average a year at this level.

Ages: 11-13

Players lean how:

  • To understand and identify the 3 game styles.
  • To understand and implement the 3 game plans.
  • To develop serves that create time and space to 3 specific targets.
  • To develop returns that create time and space to 3 specific targets.

Level 2 (Ages 13-18)

Players can serve, rally, and transition to score. The court is 78’ by 27’ with a yellow ball and a 27” racquet. Players will spend on average a 3 to 4 years at this level.

Ages: 13+

Players learn how:

  • To control height, direction, speed, and spin to hit into 4 zones.
  • To use topspin and slice to increase angle and move their opponent.
  • To serve, return and rally with efficient and effective rhythmical strokes to 3 target areas.

Level 1 (Ages 13-18)

Players can gain advantage from the baseline and transition to offense while learning to counter and defend when opponents gain the advantage. The court is 78’ by 27’ and a 27” racquet. Players will spend on average 3 to 4 years at this level.

Ages: 13+

Players learn how:

  • To develop awareness of the opponent’s side of the court and early recognition of opponent’s shots to improve tactical decision making.
  • To develop spin on second serve.
  • To use increased racquet head speed on all strokes using appropriate ball controls to maintain and improve consistency.
  • To develop basic two and three shot patterns to control space and time.