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Proposed changes to 2014 junior competition structure

Mar 7, 2013

The USTA has released a proposal for changes to the 2014 junior competition structure.

Here is a timeline for the proposal voting:

  • The Sections will discuss within their Junior Competition structure between now and the USTA Annual Meeting (March 16-18, 2013).
  • The USTA Leadership (Section Presidents, Section Delegates, Section Executive Directors) will discuss on March 16, 2013.  These are the key voting groups in the USTA (except the Section Executive Directors).
  • There will be an open forum for all the attendees during the meeting and the Executive Committee will take a straw vote during the Annual Meeting.  Technically, it is not an official vote because of some governance issues but Sections have been asked to treat this as if it were an official vote.
  • Assuming the Sections give it their approval, the USTA Board will vote on the plan at its next meeting in April.
  • In mid-April the results will be announced and potential host sites can then bid on tournaments

For the full report, click here.  A condensed overview can be found here.

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